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I hate torture movies so bad . I believe it's one of the downfalls of society. People used to see bad things but not willingly, or at least not searching for it (except maybe freak shows back in the time but that was "curiosity" and the search of unusu al, not the search of highly disturbing images).  I do not shame anyone liking those movies, not at all. I understand that it is a real passion of some people and respect it, I myself like some horror movies such as Funny Games (1997) or even Titane (2021), which is not far from torture movies but still isn't (=body horror). What I hate the most are the H**** C******** movies (Tom Six movies, just lo ok it up if you have no idea of what I'm talking about). To give a bit of context, that's my Letterboxd review:"   I didn’t even finish the movie and it makes me want to throw up every time I think about the concept.  fuck whoever had this sick idea. and fuck whoever made it popular. if anyone you know likes

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